


Hi, I’m Yi Xiang. Professionally at work, i solve problems using math, data and code. Outside of work, i enjoy swimming, reading manga, watching gaming live streams and playing board games.

Why did i start this site?

Since my undergraduate days, I am fond of digitalizing my summarized notes in order to

  1. Aids my personal understanding of a topic.
  2. Assist my recollection, and since it is digitalized, it is easy to search and edit!
  3. Sharing my notes with my peers which aid their exam preparation, which they in kind help me spot errors or suggest changes or share new insights/knowledge.

In a way, this site is my attempt of recreating something similar as a working professional and my contribution back to the industry.


  • Google
    • Jan 2022 to Present : Senior Engineering Analyst, Workspace
  • Traveloka
    • Apr 2019 to Jan 2022 : Senior Data Scientist, Fraud Platform & Payments
    • Oct 2017 to Apr 2019 : Data Scientist, Product and Credit.
  • Merck (MSD)
    • Jun 2015 to Oct 2017 : Junior Data Scientist, Operations Research and Machine Learning


  • Georgia Tech, Masters in computer science (OMSCS), Fall 2022 Cohort.
  • Nanyang technological University, Mathematics 2010-2013.


Refer to Linkedin or pdf.

Coffee 💰

If you have enjoyed my content and wish to treat me to a cup of coffee, here are the available options:

  • Paypal
  • Crypto
    • Bitcoin Address: 1L5J7MPmscnbKBXLvD89sdin91LTQ6QUim
    • Ethereum (ERC20) Address: 0xcbfad53c4e6b857fa150a19b10f19ae7e7751f13
    • Tron (TRC20) Address: TGAovPbdBxnhh2SXkrzWsdz27JADBjPZhx